
10 annoying phrases.

oxford created a list of the 10 most irritating phrases. a few i agree with. but what better than to create my own list of 10 most irritated phrases compiled by abby? i know it's what you wanted. you're welcome.

the top ten most irritating phrases:

1 - at the end of the day

2 - fairly unique

3 - i personally

4 - at this moment in time

5 - with all due respect

6 - absolutely

7 - it's a nightmare

8 - shouldn't of

9 - 24/7

10 - it's not rocket science

one's i agree with: shouldn't of, it's not rocket science, and 24/7. why? i thought you would never ask.

shouldn't of.

this. is. not. the. english. language. i'm a grammar nazi. you don't have to tell me. you shouldn't have? you really shouldn't have.

it's not rocket science.

seriously, people use this all the time. no one even taught me what rocket science was. blame that on public school education all you want, but you don't know what it is either. tell me more than it's scientists who study rockets. how hard is that anyways? rhetorical. of course, nothing except rocket science is rocket science, idiot.


you do nothing except breathe 24/7. if even. i hold my breath throughout the day sporadically, and i know you do too.

and now for the more interesting part.

abby's not so lamesauce version:

10 - "let's just be friends."

we just broke up. we're not going to be. it's just not how society works.

9 - "it is what it is."

is it not what it isn't?

8 - "dealio", "coolio", etc.

for starters, coolio is a human being. he sucks, but is a human. a noun. not an adverb. and you just made the word harder to say and more to write in your 6th grade letter that you just stuffed in your crush's locker in 1996.

7 - "whatever."

you have zero creativity and zero comebacks.

6 - "i could care less"

you could? congratulations. i couldn't.

5 - "could be worse."

there's the comfort i was looking for.

4 - "uuuuuuuuuuuuuum."

the long, drawn out ones are terrible. this is even worse is the person um-ing (now a verb.) with a piece of gum in their mouth, because for some ungodly reason they can chew it simultaneously. they can't factor a polynomial, but can do this. blows my mind. i um can't um stand this um because um it um drops um my um iq um 100 um points. um.

3 - "did you study?"

this isn't middle school. i'm not going to pretend i didn't study and pretend like i didn't know we had a test today, get an a, and look super smart. we have a college midterm today that's worth half of my grade. yes, i studied. are you an idiot?

2 - "are you sick?" or "you look tired."

no, i'm just not wearing makeup today. thanks, though.

1 - "no offense, but"

there is a 100% chance an offensive comment is going to follow. seriously? if you have to think to say "no offense, but" then clearly you know what you're about to say is going to offend me. "no offense" doesn't get you off the hook. "no offense, but you look fat in that." you know what? no offense, but it's going to hurt when i punch you in the ovaries. both of them. go play in traffic.

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