
semi annual blog post? yes, okay.

i'm just so sorry. after many persistent text messages, death threats, and complaints about my lack of posting on this gem of a blog, i've decided to throw in a semi-annual blog post. since tests are over for about 39 hours, i have some time to throw in some sass and maybe some inspiration. in the same post? doesn't that cancel them out? oh, math. you slay me. i'm about 4 months rusty, so pardon. sorry about it.

some look-alikes. you are welcome.

i can't really say that i've embarrassed myself to mi$$ bo$$'s potential this summer besides the usual snarting, falling in public, and confusing myself up with my little in pi phi who is oddly identical.

school is going well. i have teachers who climb on tables and crawl like babies (exhibit a)
so i can't really complain to much. i also have this bushel of love that sits in front of me every tuesday and thursday and it takes every ounce of me to not touch.
as for my last class, chemistry 2, my teacher is obsessed with second life. she physically cannot get enough chemistry in her first life, she had to create an interactive sims computer avatar game for us to meet with her for study sessions on sunday at 5 pm. oh wait, more than study sessions. she hosts beach parties and halloween parties that she announces in class. i had to create an avatar, so hit up Abby Nordenskoild whenever you join the second life. she wears a plaid skirt. recently, she had a hurricane hit the second life island in order for us to learn how to handle natural disasters. sorry, i haven't been on since i had to get my quiz grade by taking a snapshot by her class room. second life feels borderline illegal in all 50 states. just saying. i'm 99% sure she was late to class because she was so wiped out from partying so hard in her second life.

i still miss harold pan. every. single. day.